Nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas, Dharamshala has long captivated hearts with its breathtaking landscapes and serene ambiance. Traditionally renowned for its natural beauty, this quaint town is now drawing attention to a different kind of allure – the pursuit of...
Embarking on a yoga journey in Dharamshala to explore the ancient and holistic practice of yoga is a decision that holds the promise of both physical and spiritual transformation. Dharamshala, nestled in the scenic Himalayan foothills, has become a sought-after...
During the pandemic, millions of people started practicing yoga at home to stay healthy and improve wellbeing. After 1 year, a lot of them from India and abroad are now thinking of joining a yoga school in Dharamshala to get their yoga teacher certification. However,...
A yoga retreat in Dharamshala is equivalent to relaxation and healing. No wonder thousands of people visit Bhagsu Mcleodganj region every year to get rid of work pressure, stress, and anxiety. However, a lot of people are still not aware of top yoga retreats hosted at...
Ancient India is the birthplace of Yoga. There is no second thought contending the fact. Yoga is an inseparable part of Hindu, Jain and Buddhist philosophies which originated in India. Yoga existed in India long before the 1st Century A.D. when Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras...